
Measuring Progress: SCWIST’s Diversity Dashboard for STEM Inclusion


The Diversity Dashboard Recognizing the need for actionable data to drive systemic change, SCWIST’s Policy and Impact Team has introduced an innovative tool: a Diversity Dashboard for science, technology, engineering […]

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SCWIST’s New Project Tackling Gender-Based Violence in STEM Workplaces


Preventing Gender-Based Violence The Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST) is proud to announce funding support from Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) for its new project, […]

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Reaffirming our Dedication to Eradicate Gender-Based Violence


Eradicating Gender-Based Violence Approximately one in three women around the world have faced the harrowing reality of gender-based violence, a pervasive issue that extends its reach into Canadian workplaces.  The […]

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SCWIST’s Impactful Presence at the 2023 Canadian Science Policy Conference


SCWIST at CSPC2023 It is projected that upwards of seventy percent of future jobs will require STEM knowledge. As we usher in the digital era, this means that existing inequities […]

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SCWIST Advocates for Equal Futures in STEM


Equal Futures in STEM Written by Cheryl Kristiansen, Senior Project Manager – SCALE, STEM Forward & STEM Streams A team from SCWIST recently participated in Equal Futures 2023 – Gender […]

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Dr. Melanie Ratnam and Dr. Poh Tan at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for CSW67.

United Nations CSW67 reaffirms the importance of STEM in addressing the gender gap


The Status of Women Written by Dr. Melanie Ratnam, Vice President and Director of Policy and Advocacy at SCWIST New York City, United Nations Headquarters — The 67th session of […]

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Reflections on the Past 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence


Reflecting on the Past 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence As we celebrate International Human Rights Day on December 10, we reflected on the past 16 days of activism […]

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CCWESTT 2022 – Bold Actions to Accelerate Systemic Change


Bold Actions to Accelerate Systemic Change Members of the SCWIST team recently joined over 300 STEM leaders and organizations from across Canada to participate in the CCWESTT 2022 bi-annual conference […]

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Safe STEM Workplaces Literature Review


Safe STEM Workplaces Literature Review Written by Amanda Mack. Although the recent #MeToo movement has led to an increase in awareness of gender-based and sexual harassment, it continues to remain […]

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Achieving 50-30: Five Insights for Advocacy Champions to Help Move the Dial for Women in STEM


Representation for women in STEM remains low across Canada in spite of the recent increase in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) resources and consulting firms. In an effort to understand how STEM companies can catalyze change, 552 STEM employees responded to SCWIST when asked about their perspectives on EDI and what they feel would increase representation for women in STEM. We asked them about their perspectives on diversity, why their company should be talking about EDI, which challenges should be tackled first and most importantly how these issues should be addressed in the workspace. When analyzing the results of our survey, SCWIST took into account gender, years of experience, roles/positions, and the size of an organization/market. #SCWISTAdvocacy aims to provide valuable insights to Advocacy Champions within STEM companies to help move the dial for women in STEM.

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Bridging the Pay Gap through Policy Action


Bridging the Pay Gap through Policy Action SCWIST was honoured to host an esteemed panel of speakers who have been championing gender equality, diversity and inclusion throughout their careers. The […]

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Pandemic Recovery Must Prioritize Equity and Inclusion


Author: Christin Wiedemann, Past President, Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST) This article was originally published in Innovating Canada and can be viewed here. A growing gender […]

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Advancing Women in STEM: United Nations NGO Commission on Status of Women


By Anja Lanz and Cheryl Kristiansen Honourary SCWIST member, Anja Lanz, a design engineer with a degree in Engineering Physics from UBC, has been actively involved in advancing women in […]

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Gender Bias in Academic Conferences


Gender Bias in Academic Conferences By Kassandra Burd With men still dominating STEM fields, it is not surprising to hear that the majority of presenters and speakers at academic conferences […]

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SCWIST Advances Gender Equality As Part Of National Call To Action


Advancing Gender Equality Advancing gender equality in Canada will require collective action on four priorities identified by the Gender Equality Network Canada (GENC). Three SCWIST representatives – Christin Wiedemann, Fariba […]

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Closing the Gender Pay Gap


The Gender Pay Gap In the Global Gender Gap Report 2020, the World Economic Forum predicts that it will take over 151 years to achieve gender parity in North America. […]

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SCWIST at Gender Equality Network Canada to Make DIVERSITY Possible


Montreal:  November 12 – 14, 2019 SCWIST GENC Leaders (left to right)  Fariba Pacheleh, Anja Lanz and Christin Wiedemann  Leaders from SCWIST (Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology) […]

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WAGE Minister Monsef Meets SCWIST & Community Partners to Advance Gender Equality Across Canada!


Make DIVERSITY Possible On August 26, 2019, Honourable Minister Maryam Monsef joined the SCWIST team for an update on our Make DIVERSITY Possible Project and ways we can advance women’s […]

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The Invisibility of Women of Colour in STEM


by Kassandra Burd, M.Sc. Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Kent Nowadays we see a lot of talk concerning the lack of of women in STEM fields: it is an unfortunate reality […]

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Statement to Status of Women Committee


For the third time since 2014, SCWIST was invited to address the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women. This time the study was on the Economic Security of […]

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G7- SCWIST Statement


April 14, 2016   To the G7 Sherpas:     The Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology,[1] based in Vancouver, BC, has been inspiring girls and promoting women […]

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