Diversity Dashboard

The Diversity Dashboard

The Diversity Dashboard is an innovative tool designed to enable STEM organizations to measure and understand the diversity of their workforce.

The Diversity Dashboard is aligned with the federal government’s 50-30 Challenge, which encourages companies to achieve gender parity (50%) and significant representation (30%) of underrepresented groups, including racialized individuals, 2SLGBTQI+ communities, newcomers to Canada, people with disabilities, and Indigenous peoples in leadership roles.

By leveraging the Diversity Dashboard, STEM companies are taking a critical step in fostering inclusive environments and advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in STEM.

The Diversity Dashboard provides companies with the means to track their progress, compare their performance against industry standards and identify specific areas for targeted interventions.

Take the first step towards building a more inclusive future with the Diversity Dashboard by SCWIST. Together, we can create environments where all individuals can thrive and contribute to transformative innovation.


Have a question about the Diversity Dashboard? Email us or submit the support form.

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