Measuring Progress: SCWIST’s Diversity Dashboard for STEM Inclusion

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The Diversity Dashboard

Recognizing the need for actionable data to drive systemic change, SCWIST’s Policy and Impact Team has introduced an innovative tool: a Diversity Dashboard for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) companies.

SCWIST has long been at the forefront of advocating for gender equality and diversity in STEM fields. The Diversity Dashboard will help organizations measure and understand the diversity of their workforce, a critical step toward creating more inclusive environments.

Building on the 50-30 Challenge

The Diversity Dashboard initiative builds on the federal government’s 50-30 Challenge, which aims to improve equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within the private sector. The challenge encourages companies to strive for gender parity (50%) and significant representation (30%) of under-represented groups, including racialized persons, those who identify as 2SLGBTQI+, newcomers to Canada, people with disabilities and Indigenous people in leadership roles. SCWIST’s Diversity Dashboard will serve as a practical instrument to facilitate these goals, offering companies a clear picture of where they stand and where there’s room for improvement.

Creating Progress with the Diversity Dashboard

By leveraging the Diversity Dashboard, STEM companies can track their progress, benchmark their performance against industry standards, and identify specific areas for targeted interventions. As Canada journeys onward, going beyond meeting quotas or ticking boxes on checklists is critical to unlocking the economic value of diverse perspectives in driving innovation and solving complex problems to address the diverse needs of communities across this country. The dashboard’s comprehensive metrics provide insights into various dimensions of workforce diversity, enabling companies to develop and implement effective strategies for recruitment, retention, and professional development that align with EDI principles.

The Diversity Dashboard underscores SCWIST’s commitment to not just advocate for change but also provide the tools necessary for making it a reality. We are dedicated to our role in shaping meaningful progress by providing steps to measure concrete data and supporting to those who share our willingness to act on the insights it provides.

Looking Forward: The IDEAS in STEM Kit

Following the launch of our Diversity Dashboard, we will release an inclusion, diversity, equality, accessibility and sustainability (IDEAS) in STEM Kit, designed for the C-Suite Management and HR departments of STEM companies throughout Canada. If you are affiliated with a STEM company in this way, and are interested in receiving this toolkit, we invite you to sign up to be among the first to access it upon its official launch later this year.

SCWIST is excited to move the dial in partnership with STEM industries to unlock a future that is ready to transform the STEM industry as Canada ushers in the digital era and the accelerated change that will inevitably come with it.

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