
Embracing Opportunities: A Career Reflection with Eve Cline, CXO at Enavate


Embracing Opportunities with Eve Cline, CXO at Enavate In the dynamic world of technology, career paths often wind through unexpected terrain, leading individuals to unforeseen destinations. Eve Cline, Chief Experience […]

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Embracing Opportunities: A Career Reflection with Beatriz Rodriguez of STEMCELL Technologies


Meet Beatriz Rodriguez of STEMCELL Technologies Dedicated to empowering scientists worldwide, STEMCELL Technologies provides innovative tools and technologies to advance research and discovery across various fields, including cell biology, immunology, […]

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Women and Gender Equality Canada celebrate SCWIST President Dr. Melanie Ratnam


Celebrating Canadian Women SCWIST is honoured to announce that SCWIST President Dr. Melanie Ratnam has been featured in Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) Canada’s Women’s History Month campaign. What is […]

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The pi symbol on a teal background, celebrating women in STEM for Pi Day.

Pi Day: Celebrating Women in Math


Trailblazing women in math Every year on March 14th (3/14), people around the world gather in person and online to celebrate Pi Day. What is pi? It is the answer […]

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Black History Month: Celebrating Black Excellence in STEM


Black Excellence in STEM There has always been Black excellence and talent in STEM, but progress in diversity and inclusion has been unsteady. Currently, Black people make up only 9 […]

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Raising the Bar: An Interview with Helen Sheridan of STEMCELL Technologies


Helen Sheridan of STEMCELL Technologies Founded in 1993 by Dr. Allen Eaves, STEMCELL Technologies has quickly grown to become Canada’s largest biotechnology company. It now has more than 2,000 employees, […]

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Meet the Honey Bee Scientist: Dr. Alison McAfee


What’s Buzzing with Dr. Alison McAfee Since the arrival of gene mapping, scientists have amended the classification of bee species several times. The 20,000 or so species that we are […]

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Pride Month 2022: Here’s to More Pride in Science!


We recently sat down with Ronel Alberts, SCWIST’s former Director of Women’s Programs, for a chat about queer representation, women in STEM and how small actions can have a big […]

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World Oceans Day: Access to Information and Sustainable Development


June 8th marks World Oceans Day, a date recognized by the United Nations to spread awareness about our oceans, and the incredible amount of resources they provide us, from oxygen […]

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Careers and Motherhood: An Interview with Edie Dullaghan of adMare BioInnovations


We recently sat down with Edie Dullaghan, BSc., PhD, the Scientific Program Director of adMare Academy at adMare BioInnovations to discuss the occasionally unsettling experience of transitioning from a career […]

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Revolutionizing Medicine: An Interview with Hilda Au of Acuitas Therapeutics on creating a crucial component of the COVID-19 vaccine


Revolutionizing Medicine: An Interview with Hilda Au of Acuitas Therapeutics We recently sat down with Hilda Au, Ph.D., a Research Scientist at Acuitas Therapeutics to discuss her experiences as a […]

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Indian Roots, Canadian Blooms


Indian Roots, Canadian Blooms Written By: Dr. Anju Bajaj, SCWIST Manitoba Chapter Lead Someone once said, “We all make choices but, at the end, choices make us.” How true is […]

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A Year and a Half of Change for SFU President Joy Johnson


A Year and a Half of Change for SFU President Joy Johnson By Alison Knill (Twitter: @alison_knill) In July 2019, I interviewed Joy Johnson about her, then position as the vice president of […]

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Nobelles of Medicine – Celebrating Exceptional Women Who Won the Nobel Prize in Medicine & Physiology


By Alison Müller In celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, we are celebrating some phenomenal women in the medical science field that have been awarded the Nobel […]

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Annette Bergeron: Leading by example in her advocacy for equity and inclusion


By Alison Knill (Twitter: @alison_knill) When Annette Bergeron started her undergraduate degree in the metallurgical engineering program at Queen’s University, she was one of two women. By the end of her degree, there […]

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Anna Stukas: Driving Progress with Diversity


By Ashley Orzel ( Credit: Shannon Halliday Working on a technology that could literally reverse climate change inspires Anna Stukas to come into work every single day. As Vice President […]

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Finding Your Own Strengths: Fariba Pacheleh’s Growth and Advocacy Throughout Her Career


By Alison Knill (Twitter: @alison_knill) You’re faced with a problem at work: you’re collaborating with a South American team on a project. After the initial in-person meet and greet, communication switches to […]

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Scientist Turned Politician: An Interview with Dr. Amita Kuttner about Science and Policy


By Sonya Langman (SCWIST Digital Content Creator) Dr. Amita Kuttner, a North Vancouver native, has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of California, Santa Cruz. I had a chance […]

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WISDOM is Power at the University of Manitoba


By Abigail Plantinga Byle Wisdom in Science: Development, Outreach (WISDOM) promotes and supports women in science and technology at the University of Manitoba. WISDOM worksto increase gender diversity, particularly in […]

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From the bench to the museum: Yukiko Stranger-Galey


by Marine Da Silva, Ph.D., Business Development Associate, Mitacs Looking for ideas for career transitions from the bench? Here’s one from Yukiko Stranger-Galey, who has a background in Biochemistry and […]

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Researching the global thermometer: Martine Lizotte’s excursion to the Arctic


CLIMATE CHANGE. It’s a phrase that’s become quite well-known, but teams are still researching to understand the specifics of how it will impact communities. Martine Lizotte from Université Laval is […]

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One To Look Out For: Catherine Burns’ Innovative Contributions to the Advancement of Systems Design Engineering


by Kassandra Burd, M.Sc. Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Kent Dr. Catherine Burns is a professor of Systems Design Engineering and Executive Director of the Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology at […]

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Building confidence in a new experience: Janice Bailey, scientific director


Every new job has its challenges and rewards, both of which Janice Bailey experienced when she became the scientific director atFonds de Recherche du Québec en Nature et Technologies — […]

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Vienna Lam: finalist, Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Award


SCWIST is proud to announce that Vienna Chichi Lam, Board Member and Director for Youth Outreach, has been chosen as one of the Top 75 Canadian Immigrants. She is now a finalist […]

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