STEM Explore & Quantum Leaps: Shaping Canada’s Future STEM Leaders!

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Shaping Canada’s Future STEM Leaders!

As we celebrate Gender Equality Week 2024, SCWIST is excited to host STEM Explore Workshops in classrooms across Canada. We are also thrilled to announce our new 2024-2025 Quantum Leaps Program for Youth STEM Leaders!

At SCWIST, we recognize the importance of supporting girls and gender-diverse youth to pursue STEM careers. Our Youth Engagement (YE) programs are designed to inspire, educate, and support youth at a young age, providing them with the tools and confidence they need to succeed in STEM fields.

Our programs offer a range of opportunities, from hands-on workshops and mentorship to career exploration and leadership development. These initiatives help students see the possibilities that STEM careers can offer and provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to pursue these paths.

Please note that we use the terms women and girls with a broad meaning that includes people who identify themselves as women, girls, genderqueer, non-binary, Two Spirit, and gender questioning.

Opportunities within SCWIST’s YE Programs

  • Quantum Leaps Mentorship Program: Our newly reconfigured mentorship program pairs high school students with professional women in STEM fields that closely align with the students’ interests. This program is designed to help students gain confidence, leadership skills, and explore diverse career paths in STEM. Students also have the opportunity to apply for SCWIST project funding to bring their ideas to life. 
  • STEM Explore: These volunteer-run workshops help bring science to life in the classroom! Students get hands-on (and sometimes a little messy!) while learning about the science behind states of matter, the laws of reflection and electricity. We’ve brought our science to over 6000 students since 2021.

“The workshops and facilitators are amazing. I have tried all three workshops with my classes and will book them every year as long as they are available. The workshops are engaging, educational, fun, and the students get to create something!” – Gr. 7 teacher

How You Can Get Involved

Supporting our youth in STEM requires a collective effort, and there are many ways you can contribute:

  • Volunteer: Share your time and expertise by volunteering at one of our Youth Engagement programs. Whether you’re a STEM professional or simply passionate about the cause, your involvement can make a difference.
  • Mentor: Join our Quantum Leaps Mentorship program and help guide the next generation of female STEM leaders. Your insights and support can inspire youth to pursue their dreams in STEM.
  • Donate: Financial contributions help us expand our programs and reach more youth across Canada. Your donation can provide the resources needed to continue offering impactful experiences that support girls in STEM.
  • Advocate: Spread the word about the importance of closing the gender gap in STEM. Whether through social media, community events, or personal conversations, your voice can help raise awareness and inspire action.

By getting involved with SCWIST’s Youth Engagement programs, you’re not only helping to close the gender gap in STEM but also supporting young girls to achieve their full potential. Together, we can create a future where women, men, and gender-diverse people have equal opportunities to thrive in STEM careers, leading to a more innovative and inclusive world.

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