Quantum Leaps

Quantum Leaps

Our SCWIST Quantum Leaps is a virtual career conference uniquely designed for girls from grades 8-12 interested in or curious to explore careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). This conference gives girls a glimpse into what women in STEM fields do in their careers.

During these events, girls can meet professionals who have been successful in their STEM fields and meet other like-minded girls who have similar aspirations and interests. This event will help them know more about the STEM fields they are interested in and discover new STEM fields. Quantum Leaps also aims to aid students in the transition between high school and higher education.

"Seeing women being successful in their field is more inspiring than just being told about the jobs out there."

Yukon Quantum Leaps Participant, 2009

"It encouraged me to go into more math and science courses."

Castlegar Participant Quantum Leaps, 2011

"It made me think about looking into careers that are more specialized and that are not as known…a lot of things I heard today not many people think about…"

Nanaimo Participant Quantum Leaps Participant, 2008

Visit our Events page for upcoming Quantum Leaps events!

Interested in organizing your own Quantum Leaps? 

Did you lead or participate in an activity as an ms infinity or Youth Engagement representative?

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Should you receive a $500 Quantum Leaps Grant, do you agree to put the SCWIST logo on your conference materials, and a note that the conference was sponsored by SCWIST?*
Logos and exact wording will be shared when you receive confirmation that you have been selected for a grant.

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