
SCWIST Youth Engagement Team Brings Science Fun to Elementary Students


Science Fun for Elementary Students From country-wide events like Science Odyssey to local community groups, SCWIST’s Youth Engagement team is always working to bring science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) […]

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What parents can do to encourage their daughter to pursue STEM


How to encourage your daughters to pursue STEM The radio CKNW Jon McComb Show interviewed Sandy Eix, Science Learning Lead for Science World and our past SCWIST Director, on what […]

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Terrace Quantum Leaps Conference [Event Recap]


Terrace Quantum Leaps Conference On Nov 12, Northwest Science & Innovation Society (NSIS) had its 6th Quantum Leaps Conference.  It was held in partnership with the University of Northern BC […]

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Harriet Brooks: A Big Contributor, Largely Overlooked


Harriet Brooks: Canada’s first female nuclear physicist Does the name Harriet Brooks ring a bell? Harriet Brooks was Canada’s pioneering nuclear physicist. Born on January 1, 1876, in Ontario, Brooks […]

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