Terrace Quantum Leaps Conference [Event Recap]

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Terrace Quantum Leaps Conference

On Nov 12, Northwest Science & Innovation Society (NSIS) had its 6th Quantum Leaps Conference.  It was held in partnership with the University of Northern BC at their Terrace, BC campus.

38 young women in Grades 10 to 12 from Terrace and Kitimat attended to hear a wide range of local women talk about their experiences in science, technology and engineering.  Their keynote speaker was Amy Klepeter, RN, Associate Professor and Nursing Program Coordinator at UNBC.  She was joined by 9 professional women including a Dentist, an Environmental Scientist, a Civil Engineer, a Metallurgist, a Forester, and more. 

Feedback from the attendees:

“I feel experienced!  My third year here!  I’m very excited about graduating and continuing my education in some form of science.  I feel Quantum Leaps had really inspired and motivated me.”

“Today I learned that there are lots of job opportunities in science for girls.”

“I feel that this conference is very helpful and is good for giving people ideas for what they would like to get into.  It’s also cool to hear experiences from other people.”

I feel more educated about my career choices; more confident on different careers; wanting to move on with education; more excited and wanting to move on with my career.”

“The best thing about today was learning about the different careers in science and actually meeting the people who have these particular careers.”

Thank you to everyone who made this happen, especially the women who volunteered their time to share their experiences with the attendees. Well done, NSIS, and congratulations on another successful Quantum Leaps!

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