Although women make up over half of the population, they are a small minority of the professionals in math, science, engineering and technology (STEM) careers.
The reasons for the under-representation of women are complex, but one strong factor is that young women lack the necessary role models and encouragement to pursue the required education.
Sign up for eMentoring and we’ll put you in touch with a professional woman who is closely matched to your own interests or understands your situation. You’ll talk over email for six weeks, covering a variety of topics including life after high school, finances, and work-life balance.
It is important to note that eMentoring is about guidance, career options, and life in the STEM fields. It is not parenting, counselling or tutoring. Participants are expected to contribute regularly, with thoughtful conversations.
eMentoring runs three times a year. The program is available for any students who identify as female or women, girls, trans, genderqueer, non-binary, two-spirit, and gender questioning.
The next round of eMentoring will run from September 9 to November 4. Applications for eMentoring and now open. Application deadline is August 31st.
Did you lead or participate in an activity as an ms infinity or Youth Engagement representative?