What parents can do to encourage their daughter to pursue STEM

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How to encourage your daughters to pursue STEM

The radio CKNW Jon McComb Show interviewed Sandy Eix, Science Learning Lead for Science World and our past SCWIST Director, on what parents can do to introduce and encourage their daughter to science in a time when gender-specific toys and gender stereotypes still exist.  In addition to the “All Kids” programs that Science World offer, Sandy talked about the SCWIST ms infinity program that introduce girls to exciting career options and positive female role models in science and technology.

A study out of UBC finds parents of girls are 26% less likely to take their daughter to Science World than parents of boys. And gender-specific toys, like Barbies, can have a profound impact on career prospects. What’s the deal?! Are parents to blame for gender stereotypes and a lack of women in the fields of science, math, and technology? Sandy Eix with Science World is here this morning to talk about some of the great programs they have for all kids – regardless of sex – and why parents should be talking about science with their daughters.

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