STEMinist Treasure Hunt – NSERC Science Odyssey

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SCWIST organized a science themed treasure hunt,” STEMinist treasure hunt” for NSERC Science Odyssey 2021. The live event spanned 4 days from May 11th to May 14th, with a different hands-on science activity each day. Each day’s activity helped participants inch closer to solving the treasure hunt. The activities included cracking a code using the periodic table of elements, building a bridge, using static electricity to uncover the treasure chest, and learning about woodpecker anatomy to unlock the treasure chest, using easy to find household materials. Additionally, a bonus activity video about COVID-19 was also sent to participants. Women in STEM led the participants through the event. Over 2000 kids of ages 8-12 from schools all over Canada participated in the event, from schools as far as Nova Scotia and Northwestern Territories.

Pre-recorded videos were provided to all of our registrants in case they were unable to attend the live sessions. SCWIST Quebec chapter lead Irina Kostko, SCWIST Quebec chapter advisor Dr. Maritza Jaramillo, and their amazing team of volunteers helped extend the programs to French and reached francophone schools. The event was led and organized by Vaishnavi Sridhar, Acting Director YE and her amazing team of wonderful women comprising members of Youth Engagement committee, Events committee, Quebec chapter, Manitoba chapter lead and general volunteers. Kids and adults alike enjoyed the events, with school teachers thanking us for organizing a great event to engage kids in the midst of the pandemic.

Check out the activity videos at our SCWIST YouTube channel and Vaishnavi’s interview with CBC Quebec.

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