Youth Leadership Award

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Youth Leadership Award

Youth Leadership Award

Fascinated by science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)? Want a chance to excite others about STEM? This SCWIST award is for female students in grades 10-12 for projects that require approximately 60 hours (or two weeks) worth of work. You will create a project of your own design to promote careers in STEM. We are looking for innovative projects that make use of a variety of approaches including film, writing, workshops, games, hobbies, sports and demonstrations. Some ideas include YouTube videos about STEM, card games that explore different STEM careers, and fun activities that promote STEM. The successful candidate will receive a $500 honorarium for supplies to start the project and the remaining $500 honorarium upon completion of the project.

Upon completion, the project will be shared publicly through SCWIST media channels.

Through this program, the successful candidate will gain valuable skills in; strategic decision making, reporting to supervisors, receiving and incorporating feedback, working with deadlines, and managing a budget.

Application Requirements

  • Identify as a female in grades 10-12. Please note that we use the terms women and girls with a broad meaning that includes people who identify themselves as women, girls, trans, genderqueer, non-binary, Two Spirit, and gender questioning.
  • Have an adult sponsor for your project (e.g. parent, teacher, coach). The sponsor understands the project proposal and believes it to be within the candidate’s capabilities. Sponsors may be contacted for further information.
  • Come up with a project proposal. Successful candidates will work with the SCWIST team to further develop the idea.
  • Complete application form

For more information about applying to or supporting the SCWIST Youth Leadership Award please contact us at

We thank DRAX for funding this program.

"*" indicates required fields

YYYY dash MM dash DD
Do you identify as female?*
Name of Adult Sponsor*
(e.g., coach, teacher, tutor)
(Max. 200 words)
(Max. 250 words)
(Max. 250 words)

Participation and Media Release Consent

The applicant has indicated that they are interested in the Youth Leadership Award through ms infinity. This program is part of the Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology’s (SCWIST) Youth Engagement Initiative. Our mission is to encourage girls and young women to pursue their studies in math, science and technology and to equip them with the necessary tools they need as women in STEM fields! Please indicate your consent to the applicant’s participation and to the use of their name or visual representations (photographs or video recordings) for SCWIST program promotion and impact reporting to our funders and official SCWIST members.
Teacher/Guardian Name*
Please sign in the box above using your mouse.
Please sign in the box above using your mouse.

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