Our online platform specializes in skill-sharing and building diverse connections through 360 degree mentoring.
Our community-based programs show women and girls that career options in STEM are infinite.
SCWIST Quantum Leaps is a virtual career conference uniquely designed for girls from grades 8-12 interested in or curious to explore careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). This conference gives girls a glimpse into what women in STEM fields do in their careers.
During these events, girls can meet women professionals who have been successful in their STEM fields and meet other like-minded girls who have similar aspirations and interests. This event will help them know more about the STEM fields they are interested in and discover new STEM fields. Quantum Leaps also aims to aid students in the transition between high school and higher education.
This particular Quantum Leaps event will focus on women professionals working in careers related to Computer Engineering and Data Science. They also have expertise in science communication and facilitating learning. Did they have a fixed plan for what they would like to do five years after high school? How do they ease into changing their career focus? Did they know that they wanted to pursue these careers when they were in university? Girls will get the opportunity to interact with these women to get the answers they need at the event.
Imane Chafi is currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Engineering at
Polytechnique Montreal while concurrently studying for a Masters of
Architecture at the Boston Architectural College. Her research focuses
on shape generation using machine learning models, with an aim to
address sustainability challenges within the dental and architectural
sectors. Having previously graduated from McGill with a degree in
Software Engineering, Imane brings a diverse skill set to her
interdisciplinary work. During her undergraduate studies, she served
as the VP Communications of the engineering society and participated
in the rocketry team. She is also currently the VP Communications of
the association for graduate studies at Polytechnique Montreal. Beyond
her academic pursuits, Imane has co-written two anthologies, and is
dedicated to advocating for women in STEM field. She also offers
mentorship to students interested in research careers. Feel free to
connect with her through LinkedIn:
Riya is a graduate student, currently pursuing her master’s in Data Science at the University of British Columbia. With a background as a Machine Learning mentor at Google Explore ML and Kaggle X, she is dedicated to making data science more accessible to beginners. She actively contributes to open-source projects in data science and has created a collection of beginner-level projects to support aspiring data scientists. In addition, she mentors individuals in the field of machine learning, helping them develop their skills and achieve their goals. She is a contributing member of various tech communities in and around Vancouver, where she actively supports initiatives aimed at advancing the field of data science.