Enhancing Your Online Presence: A Guide for Academics

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Enhancing Your Online Presence

By Jane O’Hara

Creating your own online presence can be incredibly beneficial in today’s digital age. It has evolved into a modern resume or CV, where all your educational and employment information can be viewed at a glance. A positive professional presence that is easily accessible can consistently showcase your research interests and career achievements. The idea is to consolidate all of this information so it can readily highlight your professional life.

Benefits of an Online Profile

Once established, an online profile can be regularly updated with new information, such as the award of a grant, a conference presentation, or a recently published paper. You have complete control over the specific information you decide to present, allowing you to manage your personal ‘brand’ as you see fit.

An online profile can keep peers informed about your professional activities and connect you with a wider community. It can also aid in job searches, whether you’re looking to advance in your current field or pivot to a new one.

Strategies and Online Tools


LinkedIn is a leading tool for business networking and professional contacts. It keeps you informed about your field by sending updates when your contacts add new information to their profiles. Including relevant keywords in your profile makes you more discoverable to potential employers, and you can leverage your network to support your job search.

Lab/Departmental Website

A lab or departmental website detailing research interests, current studies, and publications serves as a one-stop shop for prospective students or collaborators. Each lab member can have their own tab, making it easy to showcase individual contributions and how they fit into the broader research context.

Personal Academic Sites

Personal academic sites allow you to list all your academic and related interests and achievements, not just those associated with your current position. These sites can move with you throughout your career, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date record of your professional journey.

Academia and Mendeley

  • Academia: A social networking site for academics where you can upload journal articles, including unpublished drafts, and connect with other researchers in similar areas of interest.
  • Mendeley: A reference management site that doubles as an online social group. Mendeley assists in cataloguing and managing academic papers, sharing knowledge with colleagues, discovering academic content, and facilitating research projects with like-minded individuals.

Blogs and Podcasts

Creating blog posts or podcasts is an excellent way to showcase your research. These methods can reach a wider audience than traditional journal articles and allow for the regular addition of new information.

Social Media

Using social media platforms such as Twitter and Pinterest can help you stay current with the latest research and network with others in your field. These platforms offer dynamic ways to engage with the academic community and share your work.

Keep in touch

Building a robust online presence requires time and effort, but the benefits to your professional visibility and networking capabilities are well worth it. Start today, and take control of how the world sees your academic and professional achievements.

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