Our online platform specializes in skill-sharing and building diverse connections through 360 degree mentoring.
Our community-based programs show women and girls that career options in STEM are infinite.
Since 1981, SCWIST has made great strides in promoting and empowering women in STEM. When you register, please consider adding a small donation to support our programs so all interested women and girls can see where a future in STEM can take them.
For many women, a career in STEM is rooted in the desire to have a positive impact on the world. But when you finally make it into the workforce, you’re drowning in paperwork and struggling to connect your work with its impact on society. In this session, I explore how to leverage the power of curiosity to continuously find – or create – meaning in one’s work. I share the evolution of my personal “why” throughout my career, and how curiosity has enabled me to find new ways to create a positive impact – whether on the people around me or the products I build.
By registering for the event, you understand that the session may be video recorded and/ or photos will be taken for use in SCWIST digital communication platforms, including but not limited to the SCWIST website, e-newsletter, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and others. You, therefore, are providing consent for your image and voice to be used by SCWIST for free and in perpetuity.
If you do not want your image to be captured in video or photographically, please ensure that your camera is off during the session.
For questions about the event, or to sign up as a speaker, please contact the Communications and Events team, by email at commsevents@scwist.ca.