Our online platform specializes in skill-sharing and building diverse connections through 360 degree mentoring.
Our community-based programs show women and girls that career options in STEM are infinite.
SCWIST Quantum Leaps is a virtual career conference uniquely designed for girls from Grade 8-12 interested in or curious to explore careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). This conference gives girls a glimpse into what women in STEM fields do in their careers.
During these events, girls can meet professionals who have been successful in their STEM fields and meet other like-minded girls who have similar aspirations and interests. This event will help them know more about the STEM fields they are interested in and discover new STEM fields. Quantum Leaps also aims to aid students in the transition between high school and higher education.
This particular Quantum Leaps event will focus on women professionals working in careers related to astronomy, physics and math. They also have expertise in science communication and facilitating learning. Did they have a fixed plan for what they would like to do five years after high school? How do they ease into changing their career focus? Did they know that they wanted to pursue these careers when they were in university? Girls will get the opportunity to interact with these women to get the answers they need at the event.
Jennifer has been teaching physics and astronomy at Douglas College for more than thirty years. She volunteers with Science World’s Scientist in the School programs which involves running hands on workshops in elementary school classrooms. She never passes up a chance to share her love of the stars by being an active member of the local Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.
Nuiok work as a Research Scientist at a quantum software company where she improves the accuracy and usefulness of quantum computations. She has a background in both Physics and Mathematics. She started her studies with a joint degree in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Ottawa, then moved on to a Masters in Mathematics at the University of Calgary and a PhD in Informatics at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. During her studies she completed, among others, an internship in theoretical nuclear physics at TRIUMF in Vancouver and one in experimental high-energy physics at CERN in Geneva. She also held fellowship at the University of Kyoto last year and she is now working in Sydney, Australia. Outside of work she enjoys traveling, hiking, and reading.