Celebrating the 2024 International Day of Women and Girls in Science

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Hands-On Science Fun

By Shirley Liu, STEM Explore BC Coordinator

Picture this: A vibrant gathering where enthusiasts of all ages congregate to explore different areas of science, ranging from cutting-edge cancer research and robotics to introductory sessions on pipetting techniques.

It was the Celebration of Women and Girls in Science, hosted by iCORD, a world-leading health research centre focused on spinal cord injury to commemorate the International Day for Women and Girls in Science.

As a Youth Engagement Coordinator from SCWIST, I was grateful to attend this celebration on February 9th and engage with the ICORD community. I worked with my team to bring our “Create a Dazzling LED Light Card” STEM Explore workshop to the event, where we explored fundamental concepts of circuits, conductivity, and electricity. 

Amidst the hustle and bustle, curious minds flocked to our booth to make their very own light-up cards, all while sparking discussions and asking questions about electricity and more. It was a delight to witness their fascination with science.

Through our STEM Explore workshops, SCWIST aims to expose future generations to all that STEM has to offer and spark their interest in pursuing academic and career paths in STEM.

It was a great experience to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with iCORD. Engaging with researchers, parents and students in a science-themed event like this was truly inspiring.

Making strides for women and girls in STEM

At SCWIST, we are dedicated to supporting women, and girls in their STEM journeys. On the International Day for Women and Girls in Science, it’s paramount to address the disparity that persists in STEM fields. While progress has been made, the statistics still paint a stark reality—less than a quarter of women find themselves in STEM careers in Canada. We’re committed to bridging this gap through initiatives like our STEM Explore workshops, which aim to cultivate an early interest in STEM among the next generation.

If you are interested in having SCWIST visit your classroom, please sign up for one of our workshops. We look forward to visiting you soon.

If you are interested in building a more inclusive environment for students in STEM, you can volunteer with SCWIST to help make it a reality. Learn more and apply for our Youth Engagement programs.

SCWIST extends its sincere gratitude to BC Hydro, General Motors, and DRAX for their support in making these initiatives possible and empowering women and girls in STEM.

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